Reference Icon Reference Chart iOS 6 (and earlier)

Devices such as the iPhone 4 and 4S use a high resolution Retina display with twice the pixel density of other devices. Sizes can also vary for the iPad, and these are both indicated where applicable.


∅ = Corner Radius

Sizes (px) Format and naming Notes

Application Icons

57px - 10px ∅
72px - 12px ∅ (iPad)
114px - 20px ∅ (iPhone 4+)
144px - 24px ∅ (iPad 3+)

Name icon for Retina display with a suffix of @2x.png
Do not include the corner radius in the artwork, and be aware that this portion is cropped

Web clip icons

57px - 10px ∅
72px - 12px ∅ (iPad)
114px - 20px ∅ (iPhone 4+)
144px - 24px ∅ (iPad 3+)
These are shown on the home screen when saving a bookmark. Leave off the '-precomposed' portion of the filename if you want iOS to add the glossy overlay.
See chapter 3 of the Icon Handbook for more information

Document icons

44x58px (iPhone 4+)
64px (iPad 1-2)
128px (iPad 3+)
.png These icons are overlaid on top of the standard document icon (white sheet of paper), hence the odd sizes. The iPad has a safe area of 44x59px.

Settings icon

29px - 5px ∅
58px - 10px ∅ (Retina Display)
.png iPad 1-2 sizes are the same as for non-Retina displays, although the final visual size of this icon is 48x48px as iOS trims 1px from each side of the artwork and adds a drop shadow.

Spotlight Search Results icon

29px - 5px ∅
50px - 10px ∅ (iPad 1-2)
58px - 10px ∅ (iPhone 4+)
100px - 20px ∅ (iPad 3+)
.png iPad 1-2 sizes are the same as for non-Retina displays, although the final visual size of this icon is 48x48px as iOS trims 1px from each side of the artwork and adds a drop shadow.

Toolbar and navigation bar icons

40px (Retina Display)
.png iOS will use the alpha channel, applying shadow effects for you, so don't include any shadow in your artwork

Tab bar icon

60px (Retina Display)

App Store icon

512px/90px ∅
1024px/180px ∅ (Retina Display)
Must be named  'iTunesArtwork' without the .png extension The App Store icon is reduced to 176px square for the app's listing. iPad will use a scaled version of this icon for custom document icon, if one hasn't been provided.